What Are the 3 Types of Keyword Matching?

Choosing the right keyword match type can be an important part of your Google Ads strategy. This can help you target the right user at the right stage in their journey. It also helps you reach people who are more likely to convert. It can also give you a better ROI.

There are three keyword match types: broad, exact, and phrase. Each one has different benefits and advantages depending on your situation. But no single type is right for every campaign. You should consider your goals and the type of ads that you want to run before deciding on a match type.

Broad match is the least restrictive type of keyword match. It shows ads for searches based on the keyword and similar variations, such as synonyms, abbreviations, and misspellings.

Phrase match is more flexible than broad match. It allows you to enter additional words in the query, but only when the meaning of the keyword matches the meaning of the query. It is also less restrictive than exact match. This can be a great way to open up keywords that aren’t performing well to a wider audience.

Exact match is the most specific type of keyword match. It shows ads for the exact meaning of the keyword, but also includes abbreviations, plural forms, and accents. It is also the most competitive type of keyword match.

It is important to remember that your bids can affect the cost per click and cost per conversion. You should also make sure that you cross reference your budgets and bids with your match types.

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