What is H1 H2 H3 A Level?

What is H1?

A level is a different type of A-Level conducted in Singapore by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). The ‘H’ in the words ‘H1’ and ‘H2’ stands for ‘Higher’, so these are subjects which require more academic rigour and a higher level of skills.

In JC, you can take up 3 H2 subjects at the beginning of your junior college. Then at the end of JC, you may be offered to take up up to four H2 subjects instead of the standard three.

What is H3?

An H3 subject is an extra subject which is taken in addition to the H1 and H2 A-Level subjects. Students are only offered H3 subjects if they are deemed capable of dealing with the extra workload.

The ‘H’ in the words H3′ and ‘H2’ stands for ‘Higher’, so these are subjects which require more academic, rigour and a higher level of skill.

H2 & H3 subjects are mainly offered in the Science stream and the Arts stream. The subjects are divided into two categories: Knowledge-Skills & Content-based.

A few JCs offer an opportunity for their students to take an additional H2 subject in lieu of their GP and Project Work subjects. This is a great way for JC students to develop their own unique study style which could be useful for them during their university studies.

For the best possible results in JC, you should take up a combination of contrasting subjects to maximise your potential. This will help you to gain more admission points and secure a place in a good University course.

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