How Do I SEO My Website?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is one of the most important factors in boosting the organic traffic to your website. This is especially true for small businesses and ecommerce sites that cannot afford a big marketing budget. With some simple tricks and tools, you can increase your website’s visibility on the search engines.

For example, your title tag and meta description should include keywords. A well-written meta description is not only important for SEO, but can also help your readers decide if they want to click through to your site. The description should also include a call-to-action.

It’s not always obvious what a meta description is, but Google does read it when it crawls your website. So, it’s always a good idea to include something that will entice visitors to visit your site.

The title tag is the most important metadata on your page. You want to make sure that you choose a title that accurately reflects your business. And, of course, make sure that it includes your primary keyword.

Another meta-related feature is your website’s navigation. Search engine bots like to see a clear hierarchy in your website. If you have a complicated site, consider using JavaScript elements to create a menu on the fly. These can also be implemented via CSS or PHP.

A good SEO strategy is a long-term, ongoing process. You will need to regularly check on your site’s rankings and track organic traffic. Also, you should keep your content fresh. Outdated content can actually hurt your rankings.

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