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What is an SEO Algorithm?

What is an SEO Algorithm?

SEO algorithms are a set of rules that search engines use to determine which websites are most relevant to a particular query. These algorithms consider hundreds of factors to surface the best possible results for a search term.

A typical search query could include tens of millions of websites. Google analyzes each page to evaluate its quality and provide the most helpful information.

An algorithm assigns a numerical value to each trait. The end result is a rank. As a result, a page with desirable traits rises to the top of the results.

Google updates its algorithms regularly to ensure the best results. This includes core updates, which improve the quality of its search results. In addition, it makes internal changes.

While these updates are usually minute, they can affect the performance of a page. Website owners must be aware of the algorithm updates so that they can make adjustments.

Besides core updates, Google makes numerous algorithmic refreshes every year. However, it rarely makes announcements about these changes. Some observers believe that the core algorithm update targets link spam.

It also introduces the quality score. Quality score ranked pages based on perceived quality.

Google uses a combination of algorithms to analyze the content of a web page and its user experience. The RankBrain extension was introduced in 2015. Through this, RankBrain ranks pages based on user intent.

Other search algorithms include BERT, Hummingbird, Penguin, and E-A-T. Each of these algorithms has its own unique formulas.

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