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What Are the Types of Keywords?

Understanding the types of keywords is important for any SEO campaign. Not only will it give you a better idea of your target audience, but it also helps you to produce more effective content. Whether you’re writing blog posts, articles, or product reviews, you’ll want to know what you’re writing about.

In short, a keyword is a word, phrase, or sentence that is used to drive traffic to a website. These can be as specific or as generic as you like. The trick is to make sure they are the best for your business.

One of the simplest ways to do this is to use keywords in your content. For example, you could write a comparison article comparing dog collars, the most popular variety in the market.

However, the true key to success is to use keywords wisely. To make sure you don’t spam the search engines, you’ll need to do more than simply insert keywords into your copy. You’ll need to understand how the algorithm works and how to best position your content in the search engine’s results.

There are four primary types of keywords to consider: a long tail, a mid tail, a short tail, and an informational keyword. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A medium tail keyword is a middle ground between a short and a long tail. Medium tails are typically more generic and have less competition than long tails. As a result, they tend to yield higher conversion rates and lower average costs.

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