Does SEO Require Coding?

Generally speaking, you don’t have to know code to perform SEO. However, there are a few tricks up your sleeve that you can apply to your site to make it a little more search engine friendly.

One of the most obvious things you can do is to make your site more user-friendly. The faster your website loads, the better your chances of attracting visitors and increasing your conversion rates.

This can be done by using some basic HTML and CSS programming. There are also some in-built features on WordPress that can help you accomplish the same thing. You can even use plugins to do the job for you.

Although you don’t need to write any code to be a good SEO specialist, it’s still a good idea to have an understanding of the technology behind it. Understanding coding can help you find problems before they become big time problems. Moreover, it can improve your ability to work effectively with your in-house developer.

Another useful skill is the ability to perform an IF statement. Essentially, an IF statement is a way to determine which items should go to which location. For instance, if you’re trying to put an image on a blog post, you can specify the location where the image should be inserted.

Aside from the IF statement, you can also use a programming language such as Python to automate some of the manual tasks that are involved in the optimization process.

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